This site is intended for residents of the United States only.


QUTENZA is used to treat both diabetic nerve pain of the feet and post-shingles nerve pain. When using this directory, you may need to confirm that a listed provider treats your specific condition. QUTENZA can only be administered in a healthcare provider’s office.

Please note: Some of the healthcare providers listed in the directory may require a referral from your primary care doctor.

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QUTENZA specialist: Denotes a healthcare provider who has additional patient treatment experience with the QUTENZA application procedure. You may need to broaden your location radius to find a specialist near you.

The Find a QUTENZA Specialist directory is for informational purposes only and is intended for patients who may be interested in consulting a healthcare provider about QUTENZA. Find a QUTENZA Specialist lists healthcare providers who have reported they wish to be listed in this directory. In addition, healthcare providers designated with a “check icon” symbol denote those healthcare providers who have additional experience in the QUTENZA application procedure, approximating at least 4 or more patient applications in the past 18 months. All information in Find a QUTENZA Specialist is updated regularly. A healthcare provider’s inclusion in Find a QUTENZA Specialist or any related designation does not constitute a referral, recommendation, endorsement, or verification of the credentials or capabilities of the healthcare provider by Averitas, and the absence of a healthcare provider in this directory does not imply anything about their credentials or capabilities. Physicians listed in Find a QUTENZA Specialist are not affiliated with Averitas nor compensated in any way to be included in this directory. Averitas shall not be liable for any harm resulting from reliance on the information in Find a QUTENZA Specialist.  

If you are a healthcare professional interested in becoming part of Find a QUTENZA Specialist, please connect with a local representative.